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Incoming exchange students

Incoming exchange students

1. Introduction

Our Exchange Program is designed for students who wish to spend a semester or a year studying at College of Innovation, Thammasat University (CITU) while earning credit towards their degree at their home institution. As an exchange student at CITU, you will have the opportunity to take courses in your area of study, participate in research projects, and engage with our community of scholars, students, and practitioners. You will also have access to a range of extracurricular activities, cultural events, and local attractions, allowing you to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of our city and country.

3. Courses for exchange students

Exchange students can study between 4-8 courses per semester at CITU. All undergraduate courses listed below are taught in English for 45 contact hours (3 credits) per semester, and do not require prerequisites.

Semester 2/2023 (January-May 2024)

Course Code
Course Title
Course description
Customer-Focused Innovation
Collecting and analyzing cutting-edge insights about the needs of customers; developing prototypes and test with customers; creating a customer-centric business using design thinking
Accounting and Finance for Service Innovation Management
The objectives of the course cover the fundamentals of accounting principles; the various branches of accounting; the different service business structures; the construction and content of the financial statements; the balance sheet; the income statement; the statement of cash flows; the statement of retained earnings; the analysis and interpreting the financial statements; terminology used in finance; time value of money; various methods of financial management; making basic managerial and investment decisions
Business Law for Service Innovation Management
Introduction to legal aspects of the service industry; identifying and analysis issues by applying legal principles to service business structures; understanding business law; employment law; and business organizations; recognizing; analysis; evaluating legal issues for making and articulating appropriate decisions
Airline Business Management
A study of the history and development of the airline business; characteristics of airline industry; airline operations; airline network; reservation system; air fare pricing and revenue management; passenger service; rules and regulations of immigration and emigration; international agreements related to the airline business; future trends of the airline industry
Wellness tourism destination development
Physical and mental well-being; millennial wellness tourists; wellness experience design for active aging; developing wellness activities such as spa for health, and sport recovery
Innovation and Creativity Workshop
Developing a design thinking mindset to enhance creativity; flexibility; empathy as a team; sharpening “soft skills” to become a more agile leader; innovative problem-solving techniques for online and on-site workshops
Sustainability in Service Industry
The course covers topics in food and beverage concept development; menu design and planning; service styles; purchasing; receiving; storing; cooking and selling food and beverage products and services; administrative and human resource management. Basic knowledge on beverage specialist such as tea, coffee, wine, cocktail mixologist; food safety and hygiene; innovation for business sustainability
Research Design and Methodology for Service Innovation
Research skills for critical thinking and decision-making; importance of different research methods and approaches; research issues identification; data collection and analysis; academic research writing; professional research result presentation skill; readiness of academic research applying to real-world practice in service industry

Semester 1/2024 (August-December 2024)

Course Code
Course Title
Course description
Data Visualization
Overview of data visualization; target analyzing; dashboard and storytelling with data; data visualization design for business; business intelligence
Economics and Business Conditions Analysis for Service Innovation Management
Principles of economics; concepts and its application for service innovation; functioning of the modern market economy; microeconomics that analyzing the behavior of consumers and firms; analyzing markets for services and policy choices that affect these markets and macroeconomics that concern the national economic conditions which also encapsulate the impact to business conditions and organization
International Human Resources Management
Overview of human resource management; policies and procedure; recruitment and selection; orientation and induction; performance evaluation; training program; compensation and reward management; labor relation; safety and welfare; organizational design for international organization; human resource management for international partnership; international human resource management strategy; motivation; leadership; communication for international organization; ethics for international business
Business Communication
Effective communication skills in business professional; business letters; essays; reporting; memoranda; minute taking; business pitching; resume and cover letter; interviewing and listening
Sustainability in Service Industry
Importance of sustainability in service industry; principles and foundations of sustainable development in service industry; responsible business concepts and practices; corporate social responsibility; service industry impacts assessment; participatory approach for sustainable service industry development; sustainable management and solutions for service industry
Cross-Cultural Management in a Global Environment
Introduction and exploration of the cross-cultural contexts in international business; approaches and guidelines for cross-cultural management with effectiveness; awareness and understanding of diversity for competitive advantage; etiquette in cross-cultural business management; cross-cultural communication and business negotiation
Strategic Planning for Service Innovation Management
Strategic thinking development for the service industry; capacity building for holistic understanding of business organization; trends; situations and competitive landscape identification and analysis; creative thinking and design thinking for decision-making; problem-solving; customer service
Digital Entrepreneurship
Overview of digital entrepreneurship; building the digital entrepreneurship presence; digital business strategy; digital marketing and advertising; digital marketing for tourism and hotel; social network and mobile marketing
Business Continuity Management in Service Industry
The course focuses on the principle of Business Continuity Plan (BCP); understanding organization context; business impact analysis; risk analysis; risk identification; risk assessment; risk management; risk control; business continuity management strategy; developing and Implementing BCM response

Semester 2/2024 (January-May 2025)

Course Code
Course Title
Course description
Business Law for Service Innovation Management
Introduction to legal aspects of the service industry; identifying and analysis issues by applying legal principles to service business structures; understanding business law; employment law; and business organizations; recognizing; analysis; evaluating legal issues for making and articulating appropriate decisions
Brand and Communication Management for Service Industry
Concepts and the importance of brand for service industry; differences between marketing and branding; roles and responsibilities of a brand manager; planning process for brand design; brand positioning; brand identity; brand equity; brand management strategy; examples of successful branding in service industry
Wellness tourism destination development
Physical and mental well-being; millennial wellness tourists; wellness experience design for active aging; developing wellness activities such as spa for health, and sport recovery
Special Event Management
Basic concepts and theories of special event management including product launch and exhibition; catering on-premises and off-premises; event planning; stakeholders coordinating; events programming and activities; managerial issues that effect on the industry; future trends of the industry
Strategic Planning for Service Innovation Management
Strategic thinking development for the service industry; capacity building for holistic understanding of business organization; trends; situations and competitive landscape identification and analysis; creative thinking and design thinking for decision-making; problem-solving; customer service
Cross-Cultural Management in a Global Environment
Developing a design thinking mindset to enhance creativity; flexibility; empathy as a team; sharpening “soft skills” to become a more agile leader; innovative problem-solving techniques for online and on-site workshops
Research Design and Methodology for Service Innovation
Research skills for critical thinking and decision-making; importance of different research methods and approaches; research issues identification; data collection and analysis; academic research writing; professional research result presentation skill; readiness of academic research applying to real-world practice in service industry

4. Application procedure


4.1 Application deadline

To nominate students for an exchange program at CITU, overseas students are required to apply through their international office before the deadlines.

Application deadline
Semester of study
May 20th
Semester 1 (August-December)
September 20th
Semester 2 (January-May)

4.2 Application materials

1. CITU exchange student application form:   Click

2. Certificate of Health:

3. A form of English proficiency (if English is not your first language). The recommended English levels are:

– TOEFL = (iBT) 61 / (PBT) 500; or

– IELTS = 6.0

4. Academic Transcripts (must be in English or with accompanying translation)

5. The official nomination letter issued by an authorized department of home university

6. ID photos

Taken in last 6 months.

Do not use filters commonly used on social media.

– Take off your eyeglasses for your photo.

– 2 x 2 inches in size, comply with passport ID format

– Dimensions: The image dimensions must be in a square aspect ratio (the height must be equal to the width). Minimum acceptable dimensions are 600 x 600 pixels. Maximum acceptable dimensions are 1200 x 1200 pixels.

– Color: The image must be in color (24 bits per pixel) in sRGB color space which is the common output for most digital cameras.

– File Format: The image must be in JPEG file format.

– File Size: The image must be less than or equal to 240 kB (kilobytes).

– Compression: The image may need to be compressed in order for it to be under the maximum file size. The compression ratio should be less than or equal to 20:1.

7. A copy of your passport

8. Letters of recommendation (if available)

9. Proof of a medical insurance for duration of yours studies at Thammasat University. Your insurance can be either local or international. (Mandatory)

10. The application materials are required to be submitted by email to