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Curriculum Vitae



Room 402, 4th floor
Multipurpose Building 3
College of Innovation
Thammasat University

Assoc.Prof. Kom Campiranon, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Research / Associate Professor of MDX DataSci and BSI
Assoc.Prof. Kom Campiranon, Ph.D.
รองคณบดีฝ่ายวิชาการและวิจัย / รองศาสตราจารย์ประจำหลักสูตรออนไลน์ของวิทยาลัยนวัตกรรม และรองศาสตราจารย์ประจำหลักสูตรปริญญาตรีนวัตกรรมการบริการ (BSI)


  • Ph.D. (Tourism Management), University of Queensland, Australia, 2007
  • M.S. (Hospitality & Tourism), University of Wisconsin-Stout, U.S.A., 2002
  • B.A. (Sociology & Anthropology), Kasetsart University, Thailand, 1999

Academic and research interests

Smart tourism
Travel technologies
Service quality management
Hotel management
Hospitality innovation
Tourism crisis management

subjects and lectures


Co-researcher, ICT Users’ Needs and Satisfaction Analysis. Metropolitan
Electricity Authority, 2019.

Projectleader, A Policy Research on Creating Thailand’s Economic
Growth with Smart Tourism. Thailand Science Research and Innovation
(TSRI), 2018-2019.

Co-researcher, Quality Developmentfor Spa and Health Tourism in
Southern Region toward international level. Thailand Science Research
and Innovation (TSRI), 2018-2019.

academic articles

CAMPIRANON, K. (2019). Examining the Competitiveness of Smart
Tourism in Thailand by Using the Diamond Model. Suthiparithat Journal,
July-September (107), 39-50.

CAMPIRANON, K. (2018). Enhancing Competitive Advantage through
Service Innovation: A Case Study of Thai Hotel Management Companies.
Suthiparithat Journal, April-June (Special Issue), 1-14.

CAMPIRANON, K. (2016). Measuring Hotel Service Quality: A Case Study
of Midscale Bangkok Hotels. Suthiparithat Journal, October-December,

CAMPIRANON, K. & SCOTT, N. (2014). Critical Success Factors for Crisis
Recovery Management: A Case Study of Phuket Hotels. Journal of Travel
& Tourism Marketing, 31(3), 313-326.

GÁMEZ, A., IVANOVA, A. & K. CAMPIRANON (2014). Tourism and
Economic Crisis Management within APEC. Cases: Phuket(Thailand) and
Los Cabos (Mexico). International Journal of Sustainable Development and
Planning, 9(2), 143-157.

GÁMEZ, A., A. IVANOVA & K. CAMPIRANON (2012).“Tourism,
Vulnerability, and Economic Crisis within APEC. Responses from
International Destinations: Phuket(Thailand) and Los Cabos (Mexico)”, C.
A. Brebbia & S. S. Zubir (eds.), WIT Transactions on Ecology and the
Environment, Vol. 161, 91 – 101.

SRIKATANYOO, N. & CAMPIRANON, K. (2010). Agritourist Needs and
Motivations: The Chiang Mai Case. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing,
27(2), 166-178.

CAMPIRANON, K. (2008) Toward an Understanding of Perceived Risk in
Tourism. Factors Influencing Crisis Vulnerability. Dhurakij Pundit
University Journal, Issue 66, 83-94.

CAMPIRANON, K. & ARCODIA, C. (2007) Market Segmentation in Time
of Crisis: A Case Study ofthe MICE Sector in Thailand. Journal of Travel
and Tourism Marketing (Safety and Security in Tourism: Recovery
Marketing after Crises), 23 (2-4), 151-161.

SRIKATANYOO, N. & CAMPIRANON, K. (2005) Crisis Management of
Hotels in Phuket: Compare and Contrast between Thai and Foreign Hotel
Management Style. ASAIHL-Thailand Journal, 8, 165-176.

International academic conference

CAMPIRANON, K. (2019). Factors influencing Travel-Tech Startups in
Thailand: A TOWS Matrix Approach. The 3rd GSTM International
Conference. National Institute of Development Administration, Bangkok.

CAMPIRANON, K. (2019). Understanding the concept of smarttourism in
the context of Thailand. APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference, Hong
Kong, 2155-2166.

CAMPIRANON, K. & RAMJAN, S. (2018). Key Success Factors of MICE
Electronic Requestfor Proposal (eRFP): A Case Study of Bangkok Hotels.
The 1st International MICE Conference & Forum, Thailand Convention &
Exhibition Bureau (TCEB), Bangkok, 115-125.

CAMPIRANON, K. (2017). Service Innovation in Luxury Hotels: A Case
Study of Thai Hotel Management Companies. Wisdom for Change: A
Brighter Future Path in Tourism and Hospitality. National Institute of
Development Administration, Bangkok, 62-75.

CAMPIRANON, K. (2017). Luxury Brand Management: A Case Study of
Thai Hotel Management Companies. The 3rd Global Tourism & Hospitality
Conference. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 360-369.

CAMPIRANON, K. (2015). The Influence of Service Quality Gaps on
Customer Loyalty: A Case Study of Midscale Bangkok Hotels. The 5th
Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing & Management (AHTMM)
Conference. Beppu, Japan, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU),

CAMPIRANON, K. (2012) Critical Success Factors of Economic Crisis
Management: A Case Study of Phuket Hotels. The Council for Australian
University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Conference.
Melbourne, Australia, La Trobe University, 104-117.

Tourism, Vulnerability, and Economic Crisis within APEC. Responses from
International Destinations: Phuket(Thailand) and Los Cabos (Mexico).
The Third International Conference on Management of Natural Resources,
Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards, Malaysia.

CAMPIRANON, K. (2011) Identifying Key Characteristics of Crisis Types
and Their Impacts on The Tourism Industry In Thailand. The Council for
Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE)
Conference. Adelaide, Australia, University of South Australia.

CAMPIRANON, K. (2010) Critical Success Factors of Crisis Management
in Tourism: A Case Study of Political Crisis in Thailand. The Council for
Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE)
Conference. Hobart, Australia, University of Tasmania.

SRIKATANYOO, N. & CAMPIRANON, K. (2008) Identifying Needs of
Agritourists for Sustainable Tourism Development. Australian & New
Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, University of Western Sydney,

CAMPIRANON, K. 2007, Factors Influencing Crisis Vulnerability in
Tourism, The 3rd Tourism Outlook Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
eds. N. Othman & C. Arcodia, Universiti Teknologi Mara and University of

CAMPIRANON, K. (2007) An Analysis of Crisis Managementin the MICE
Sector:the WTO Approach. In MCDONNELL, I., GRABOWSKI, S. &
MARCH, R. (Eds.) The Council for Australian University Tourism and
Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Conference. Manly, Australia, University
of Technology - Sydney.

CAMPIRANON, K. (2006) Chaos Theory as an Approach to Understand
MICE in Time of Crisis. In HALL, M. (Ed.) ATLAS Asia-Pacific Conference
2006: Tourism After Oil. Dunedin, New Zealand, University of Otago, New

CAMPIRANON, K. (2006) Understanding Crisis Vulnerability ofthe MICE
Sector: A Case Study of Thailand. In ARCODIA, C., WHITFORD, M. &
DICKSON, C. (Eds.) Global Events Congress. Brisbane, Australia, The
University of Queensland.

CAMPIRANON, K. (2005) Cultural Differences on Crisis Managementin
the MICE Sector. In TREMBLAY, P. & BOYLE, A. (Eds.) The Council for
Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE)
Conference. Alice Springs, Australia, Charles Darwin University.

CAMPIRANON, K. (2005) Managing Reputation in Event Planning
Companies. In JOHN, A. (Ed.) The Third International Event Management
Research Conference. Sydney, Australia, University of Technology Sydney.

SRIKATANYOO, N. & CAMPIRANON, K. (2005) Crisis Management of
Hotels in Phuket: Compare and Contrast between Thai and Foreign Hotel
Management Style. The 15th Inter-University Conference. Bangkok,
Thailand, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University and ASAIHL Thailand.

National Academic Conference


More information

CAMPIRANON, K. (2014). Crisis Managementfor the International Hotel
and Restaurant. In SILPARCHA, W. (Eds). International Hotel Business and
Restaurant Management. Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University.

CAMPIRANON, K. (2011). Religious Tourism in Thailand. World Tourism
Organization: Religious Tourism in Asia and the Pacific. Spain: UNWTO.

GÁMEZ, A., IVANOVA, A. & CAMPIRANON, K. (2011). Tourism,
Vulnerability, and Economic Crisis within APEC. Responses from
International Destinations: Phuket(Thailand) and Los Cabos (Mexico). In
C. A. BREBBIA& S. S. ZUBIR (eds.). WIT Transactions on Ecology and the
Environment, UK, ISSN: 1743-3541.

CAMPIRANON, K., LAWS, E., & SCOTT, N. (2011). Responding to Crises in
Thailand: A Governance Analysis. In E. LAWS, H. RICHINS, J. AGRUSA & N.
SCOTT (Eds.). United Kingdom: CABI International.

CAMPIRANON, K. & SCOTT, N. (2007) Factors Influencing Crisis
Managementin Tourism Destinations. In LAWS, E., PRIDEAUX, B. &
CHON, K. (Eds.). Crisis Management in Tourism. Oxford: CAB International.


International Hospitality
Luxury Management, The
Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, 2017

Best Paper ofthe Conference
The 5th Advances in
Hospitality and Tourism
Marketing and Management
(AHTMM) Conference.
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific
University (APU), Japan, 2015

Amadeus Basic Reservation
Thai-Amadeus Southeast Asia
Co., Ltd., 2009

Opera Property Management
System Micros-Fidelio
(Thailand) Co., Ltd., 2008

K. Eds. (2015). Tourism Crisis
and Disaster Managementin
the Asia-Pacific. Tourism
Management Research.
Oxfordshire, UK, CAB

Thailand Tourism. In J. Jafari &
H. Xiao (eds.), Encyclopedia of
Tourism, Springer, DOI

“How Artificial Intelligence
(AI) will impact hospitality,
tourism, and travel services”
Thailand’s 20th Hospitality
Industry Congress - Held in
Conjunction with Food & Hotel
Thailand 2018, Thai Hotels
Association (THA), Thailand,

“How Artificial Intelligence
(AI) will disruptthe tourism
industry” Learning Series: AI +
EQ = Success, Philippine IATA
Agents Travel Association
(PIATA) and Pacific Asia Travel
Association (PATA –
Philippines Chapter),
Philippines, 2018.

“How Artificial Intelligence
(AI) will disruptthe tourism
industry” Hospitality, Tourism
& Travel Forum: Artificial
Intelligence, The
Netherlands-Thai Chamber of
Commerce (NTCC), Thailand,

“How to enhance balanced
mobility between Asia and
Europe” The International
Asia-Europe Conference on
Enhancing Balanced Mobility,
Office of the Higher Education
Commission, Thailand, 2012.