Data Science (Online Program)
Data Science (Online Program)
M.S. (Digital Business Transformation | Major in Data Science) (Teaching in Thai)
With the exponential growth of data in today’s digital world, data science plays a crucial role in helping organizations gain a competitive advantage, optimize operations, and drive innovation across industries. Data The Data Science program, offered 100% online, emphasizes interdisciplinary studies focusing on statistical analysis, machine learning, and computer science. This online program is currently offered in collaboration between Thammasat University and SkillLane Academy (TUXSA).

The DS online program concentrates on a range of techniques and methodologies to collect, process, and analyze large volumes of structured and unstructured data to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations. It provides students with skills and knowledge on advanced analytics, data mining, data visualization, data governance, cyber security, and programming languages, which enhance students’ ability to harness the power of big data, which not only optimizes operations but also unlocks new revenue streams and enhances customer experiences.

All courses are offered 100% online through Skillane. This offers the flexibility and convenience of learning anytime, anywhere, empowering students to pursue their educational goals on their own terms.
Courses | Number of Credits |
Core Courses | 18 Credits (online courses only) |
Elective Courses | 12 Credits (online courses only) |
Independent Study (IS) | 6 Credits |
TOTAL | 36 Credits |

Core Courses | Elective Courses |
Python for Data Science | Business Case for Data Science |
Advanced Python for Data Science | Developing Solution and Engagement |
Business Intelligence | Cyber Security Policy |
Text Analytics | Cyber Threat & Security |
Data Mining Algorithms | Digital Leadership |
Advanced Data Mining Algorithms | Digital Organization Behavior |
Data Exploration | Design Thinking for Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship |
Data Preprocessing | Design Thinking for Digital Society Architecture |
Fundamental of Digital Transformation | Special Topics |
Advanced Digital Transformation | Advanced Special Topics |
Digital Economics | |
Data Science Research Methodology | |

Our graduates are expected to assume careers within a variety of organizational settings including:
Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) & Chief Information Officers (CIOs)
Data analysts
High level management within digital/ IT firms
Digital and IT consultants
Policy and data analysts
Digital entrepreneurs

Cost for the DS program is approximately 153,000 Baht per person for Thais. Please note that this does not cover expenses for study tours abroad or exchange programs.
* Exchange rate: Approximately 36 Baht/ USD
Course introduction
Individual identity is built through aspects of culture such as language, clothing, traditions and art. As for the social dimension, it is the shared similarities that connect people and allow them to coexist in peace. In accepting one another’s differences, the cultural dimensions of policy and administration, both tangible and intangible, become possible.
Looking at management in terms of culture is an integrated process involving both science and art and it is the aim of the stakeholders to realize the value of culture in all respects.
The Master of Arts Program in Management of Cultural Heritage and Creative Industries is therefore designed as a multidisciplinary program. The objective is to provide students with three key areas of knowledge, namely management, culture, and research. These areas are necessary for cultural managers at both the policy and executive levels. This is in accordance with international cultural operations such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization or UNESCO, which promotes cultural creativity based on standardized learning and intellectual cooperation. UNESCO’s mission is to bring about societal change that recognizes justice, freedom, and human dignity. This is also in line with regional organizations such as ASEAN, with the main objective of promoting political, economic, social and cultural cooperation between member countries.
On the national front, Thailand’s Cultural Master Plan aims to preserve and protect the Thai identity in this milieu of cultural diversity and globalization. This includes investing in cultural capital to support sustainable development. For this reason, the management of cultural heritage and creative industries is necessary at the regional and national level. Qualified personnel are essential in supporting cultural growth and expansion. This represents one factor in the development of human capital to achieve long-term sustainability.
Upon successful completion of the master’s degree program, students should possess the following attributes:
● Knowledge, ability, and multidisciplinary skills to apply in the management of cultural heritage and creative industries.
● The vision to lead a cultural organization to success
● An awareness of the duties and responsibilities to society including professional morality and ethics
Program Structure
Required subjects
● Management of Innovation Creativity and Technology
● Research Methodology
● Innovative Marketing and Brand Management
● Management of Cultural Heritage and Creative Industries
● Social and Cultural Entrepreneurship
● Integrated Creative Industry Management
● Seminar on Law and Ethics in Cultural Heritage and Creative Industries
● Cultural Heritage and Creative Industries in an International Context
● Community Education and Community Cultural Heritage Management
● Media Fusion in a Cross-Cultural Context
● Gender in Cultural Heritage and Creative Industries
● Innovation for Cultural Events
● Specific topics in the management of cultural heritage
● Topics specific to creative industries
Independent research (For plan B students)
Thesis (for students of Plan A, Type A2)
Possible future career paths
Successful graduates will be able to pursue the following professions related to the management of cultural heritage and creative industries:
● Administrator in various cultural learning centers such as museums, art galleries, cultural centers, archives, art and cultural offices, etc.
● Executive Marketing and Public Relations in Cultural Organizations
● Executive and Producer of Media, Television and Film
● Company executives for organizing special events
● Manager of theaters and cultural performance areas
● Fundraiser for Arts and Culture Projects
● Owner of organizations involved in the design of various types of cultural media and publications.
● Academic personnel in cultural management with expertise in cultural learning sites such as museums, art galleries, cultural centers, archives, arts and culture offices, etc.
● Researcher in management of cultural heritage and creative industries
● Cultural Management Policy and Planning Analyst
● Organizer of arts and culture exhibition projects
● Arts and culture activities planner
● Professional officer or executive in cultural tourism organizations
Admission / selection of students
Requirements for admission are in accordance with the rules and regulations for study at the higher level of education at Thammasat University. For more admissions information, see the section on “Applying for Study.”
●Written exam (only for those who have not completed a bachelor’s degree in Management of Cultural Heritage and Creative Industries at Thammasat University)
●English proficiency test: Applicants will be required to submit an English Language Proficiency Test (TU-GET) result conducted by the Language Institute of Thammasat University, a TOEFL score or an IELTS score. The test must have been taken not more than 2 years prior to the application date.
● Interview
● Other conditions in accordance with the rules and regulations for admission to the program.
The estimated cost over the period of 2 years is 184,920 baht per person. Student fees are 3,000 baht per credit and other fees of the College of Innovation. This does not include the expenses of studying abroad.
course information
English full name: Master of Arts Program in Management of Cultural Heritage and Creative Industries
Initials: M.A. (Management of Cultural Heritage and Creative Industries)