You are invited to attend the CITU International Series 2023:
Innovation skills and their importance for the service sector
By Dr. Jorge Arnanz
César Ritz Colleges, Switzerland
Monday 6 February 2023
Zoom Meeting
Innovation has been a keyword going hand-by-hand with business success in the last decades. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the idea that, without innovative visions and strategies, companies will struggle to survive in this ultracompetitive and globalised world, especially in times of crisis. Dr Jorge Arnanz will offer his insights and provide participants with tips and strategies on how to foster those essential innovation skills, with a focus on the perspective of the service industry.
The presentation will introduce innovation and its relevance in our times. Then, we will move on to the challenges of companies within the service sector when addressing innovation, in comparison to the manufacturing or technological sectors. Tangible tools and relevant examples will be used to prove that service businesses, with a special focus on the tourism and hospitality industry, can (and must!) place innovation as a main part of their strategies for success.
Guest speaker’s profile
Dr. Jorge Arnanz began his career working for international hotels and travel companies, before starting his own business as a restaurant owner. Since 2015, he has been teaching Hospitality, Tourism, and Management at undergraduate and graduate levels. He holds two BA degrees in Tourism and Education respectively, an MA and a PhD in Tourism Management.