B.A. (Service Innovation) (International Program)

BSI program has been designed to enable students to deal with the rapid and disruptive developments in the service sector, such as hospitality, airline, healthcare and wellness, events, and tourism. The program provides the necessary skills and knowledge, including critical thinking, creative thinking, innovative service design, analytical skills, and leadership, as well as the use of technology or digital innovations in the service industry.


The program provides opportunities for students to acquire practical experience via internships, group projects, presentations, team-building activities, and case studies. This experiential learning enables students to put their knowledge into practice and cultivate the necessary skills for excelling in service innovation. The program aims to ensure that students are able to understand how to deliver services that meet the needs of clients, as well as a number of efficiency and effectiveness imperatives. It also ensures that students will understand how to manage data in a global environment where knowledge management is an important challenge in achieving timely and responsive decisions. The program is currently offered at Thammasat University Tha Prachan campus.


General Education Courses
30 Credits
Core Courses
81 Credits
Elective Courses
12 Credits
Free Elective Courses
6 Credits
129 Credits


Core Courses
Core Courses
Strategic Planning for Service Innovation Management
Digital Marketing for Service Innovation Management
Sustainability in Service Industry
Special Event Management
Innovation and Creativity Workshop
Business Communication
Service Innovation Consultancy
Customer-Focused Innovation
Digital Entrepreneurship
Data Visualization
Cross-Cultural Management in a Global Environment
Brand and Communication Management for Service Industry
Business Continuity Management in Service Industry
Economics and Business Conditions Analysis for Service Innovation Management
Business Law for Service Innovation Management
Accounting and Finance for Service Innovation Management
International Human Resources Management
International Hotel Management
Event Production and Operation
Management of Food & Beverage Operations
Innovation and Product Development Project
Wellness Tourism Destination Development
Airline Business Management
Service Quality Management
Research Design and Methodology for Service Innovation
Project Management


Our graduates are prepared to pursue careers in diverse organizational settings, such as:

Business development and client relationship management

Digital marketing and advertising positions

Hospitality roles (e.g., hotel management, room division, event planning, catering)

Human resources management and development roles in service sectors

Service design or coordination in service-dominant manufacturing firms

Entrepreneurship for businesses in the service sector (e.g. travel agent, restaurants, food trucks, pop-ups, spa and wellness centers)

Event organizer/planner, professional conference organizer, professional exhibition organizer

Flight Attendant


The BSI program costs approximately 460,000 Baht per person for Thai students and 550,000 Baht per person for non-Thai students. Please note that this does not cover expenses for study tours abroad or exchange programs.

* Exchange rate: Approximately 36 Baht/ USD


As a result of recent changes in the global economy, the service sector has become vital to the economy. As the global economy is rapidly and continuously developing and growing, service industries can create economic and social development opportunities for the country by creating jobs, generating income, and promoting entrepreneurship.  The conservation of arts, culture, and traditions, including the conservation of natural resources for development, is also essential.


The College of Innovation of Thammasat University is aware of these development trends and directions. It sees the importance and necessity of continuous development and improvement of the Bachelor of Arts Service Innovation Program to respond to both national and regional needs.  The college fully supports the empowerment of personnel in the service industry to work efficiently and with high ethical standards.


The curriculum is designed to develop and enhance the existing body of knowledge with a focus on the creative use of analytical thinking. New methods and tools have been introduced to allow learners to achieve greater efficiency in innovative management in various types of service industry, which will assist in meeting various and constantly changing customer needs and preferences. It also focuses on developing students’ skills in creative design thinking to augment service innovation Organizational design, whether small, medium, or large, is based on the principles of resource sustainability.  Thus, social and environmental responsibility in the service industry are also key components.


Another facet of the redesign of the curriculum is the utilization of multidisciplinary knowledge.  This is achieved by combining knowledge from four key areas: service industry knowledge, management science, technology, and humanities and social sciences.


The courses offered in the program ensure graduates possess the necessary knowledge, abilities, and skills for practical application in the hospitality industry by exploring the concepts of service innovation through the combination of these four areas of knowledge. The program also aims to produce graduates who are able to work at the entry level effectively and to allow them to become supervisors, planners, and organization leaders in the future.  An understanding of social science will allow graduates to keep up with the latest developments and act with social responsibility in accordance with the underlying philosophy of Thammasat University.


Upon successful completion of the bachelor degree program, students should possess the following attributes:

1.Knowledge and ability to be innovative and creative in order to meet business needs in service industries

2.The ability to use creative thinking and problem-solving skills when offering various services in international operations.

3.Knowledge and understanding of service business development at the regional, national, and global levels.

4.The ability to use critical thinking and to conduct research with the use of technology to create innovations for a variety of services.

Future career paths

● International organizations such as the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), the Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO), UNESCO (and other UN agencies) and the ASEAN Secretariat

● Customer Relations Officer in the service sector, such as hotels, airlines and travel businesses

● Healthcare service / Wellness staff

● Bank or financial institution Service Officer

● Event planning and organization

● Service industry business owner

● Academic staff, researcher

● Service design staff

● Digital Marketing staff, Public Relations, Creative staff

● Strategy and Management Policy Analyst

● Corporate Development Officer for Sustainability

Curriculum structure

Core Courses

● Software Applications for Service Innovation Management

● Introduction to Service Management and Innovation

● Economics for Service Innovation Management

● Accounting for Service Innovation Management

● Digital Marketing for Service Innovation Management

● Human Resources Management for Service Innovation

● Business Law for Service Innovation Management

● Financial Management for Service Innovation

● International Hotel Development and Management

● Business Event Management

● Airline Business Management

● Healthcare Services

● Responsible and Sustainable Development for Service Industries

● Innovation and Creativity Workshop

● Cross-Cultural Management in a Global Environment

● Strategic Planning for Service Innovation Management

● Digital Strategy and Transformation for Service Innovation

● Management of Food & Beverage Operations

● Leisure Event Management

● In-Flight Passenger Services

● Management and Strategy

● Research Methodology for Service Innovation

● Service Management and Innovation Seminar

● Modern Entrepreneurship for Service Innovation Management

● Risk Mitigation and Crisis Recovery Management for Service Industries

● Service Quality Management

● Internships for Service Industries

Elective Courses

● Revenue and Yield Management

● Introduction to Tour Operations Management

● Digital Tourism and Service Industry

● Special Event Management

● Service Innovation for the Public Sector and Public Organizations

● Supply-Chain Management in Food Production Processing

● Ground Passenger Services

● Service-related Dimensions of Managing Healthcare Facilities

● Management Healthcare Stakeholders in Modern Society

Admission Requirements & Application Procedure

Requirements for admission are in accordance with the rules and regulations for study at the higher level of education at Thammasat University. For more admissions information, see the section on “Applying for Study.”


The estimated cost of the 4-year BSI program is 449,000 Baht per person for Thai nationals. It does not include expenses for site visits and exchange programs.

course information

English full name: Bachelor of Arts Program in Service Innovation (International Program)

Initials: B.A. (Service Innovation)

Curriculum Instructor Information 
Assoc.Prof. Kannapa Pongponrat Chieochan, Ph.D.
Graduate Program Director of MSD and Undergraduate Program Director of BSI
Ph.D. (Regional and Rural Development Planning), Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, 2007
อาจารย์ ดร.ชยกฤต _คณบดี_
Asst.Prof. Chayakrit Asvathitanont, Ph.D.
Ph.D. (Development Administration), National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), 2007
Assoc.Prof. Sarawut Ramjan, Ph.D.
Acting Associate Dean for Digital
Ph.D. (Computer and Engineering Management), Assumption University, Thailand, 2013
Assoc.Prof. Kom Campiranon, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Research
Ph.D. (Tourism Management), University of Queensland, Australia, 2007
Purimprach Sangkaew, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Ph.D. (Hospitality and Tourism Management), University of Surrey, UK, 2019
Annop Peungchuer, Ph.D.
Lecturer of BSI
Ph.D. (Business Administration), Assumption University, Thailand, 2561




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